The Book of Revelation speaks of a time when there will be a one world monetary system in place (see Revelation 13:16-18). It is interesting to watch the news and see that the world is not only warming up to the idea, but that leaders in countries like Russia and China are even proposing it. A few days ago Russian President Dmitry Medvedev called for a supranational currency by pulling from his pocket a sample coin of a “united future world currency.”
“Here it is,” Medvedev told reporters in Italy, after a summit of the Group of Eight nations. “You can see it and touch it.” The coin, which bears the words “unity in diversity" and
"United Future World Currency," was minted in Belgium and presented to the heads of G-8 delegations, Medvedev said.
Click here to read the Bloomberg News report.
Now of course the coin is not in use yet, and it is certainly not the "mark of the beast" spoken about in Revelation, but it shows us the direction the world is heading in, and it could certainly be the precursor to what will happen in the Tribulation period.
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